Blueprint and Toolkit to create your BEST relationship

a free DIY program for taking care of your relationship and improving your skills

After decades of working with couples as a Clinical Psychologist, I understand that relationships can be hard to navigate, especially under stress.  

I also know what it takes for marriages and committed, long-term partnerships to be successful, fun, and happy over time. 

Early in my career, while working at the VA Medical Center, Palo Alto and Stanford University, I developed a way of looking at and working on relationships that is grounded in research, theory, and clinical practice.  It has proven very effective and efficient for hundreds of couples from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures looking to repair or simply strengthen their relationship. The backbone of this work is what I call “The Relationship Blueprint,” a schematic that allows couples to see a more complete and accurate perspective of their partnership and that guides them in caring for it.

This program will help you:

  • Reconstruct a relationship that has been strained,

  • Strengthen and enhance a successful, happy relationship, or

  • Design and build a new relationship.

All the Tools you need to accomplish any of these goals are here.

I plan to publish this material in book form soon. Right now, as we are experiencing uncertain times that are putting increased focus and pressure on many relationships, I am making this information available immediately. While some couples are managing the stress well, many are struggling. It is my hope that this program will help you repair, support or enhance, your relationship. We can all use more love for the long haul.

This is not a place where you can find clinical treatment but, rather, where you can strengthen your relationship on your own by understanding new perspectives, gaining skills, and reducing conflict. If you want/need professional support you will find helpful information here.

You can get started by using this program and the tools in your personal relationship, but the material in this site is not available for reproduction for commercial use.

I will be updating this site as I find new ways to make it more helpful and effective. If you find something useful, would like to see additional information, or have suggestions about any of the material, I welcome your feedback. (see Feedback) 

Ready to improve your relationship?


Understand what influences your relationship so you can make it stronger


Improve your relationship step by step, even during a global pandemic


“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”

— Leo Tolstoy


Love in the Time of COVID

Responding to the pandemic is putting pressure on our relationships. Patterns of behavior between partners are intensifying, revealing the best and most difficult aspects of our partnerships. Our enforced containment with some family members and away from others creates intense togetherness as well as separation and loss, both of which are deeply affecting our connection with our partners and our ability to manage our own emotions.