Tools to help your relationship thrive
Navigation Tip:
The purpose of each Tool is labeled above its name to make it easier to find what you are looking for. Some of these tools address issues of a specific BEST Component, but others are more foundational and can be useful in addressing all of them. All of these Tools can help you increase positives and decrease negatives in your relationship. Look them over, and see which ones will be particularly helpful to the two of you.
You may notice that some of the Tools in this program are “easy” to pick up, like learning how to use a hammer, screwdriver or a pair of pliers. As you move through the program, you will notice that the tools you are learning are more advanced and require more practice before you become proficient with them, more like mastering a table saw or a lathe.
Be sure to take breaks as you try out these tools. You might need to step away for a day or even a week as you learn these new tools.
Increasing Positives
Resolving Conflicts
Plumbing the Depths: Resolving Stubborn Conflicts
If you find a conflict pattern that tends to occur repeatedly even though you think you have resolved the issue, it’s likely that you have only resolved the superficial situation, the “symptom,” but you haven’t really detected and understood the “cause.”
Collaborative Communication
The goal of collaborative communication is moving from being in opposition on two sides of an issue to working as a team member to resolve a mutual problem. You need to understand there are at least two legitimate points of view, and that despite your differences, you both want to find a collaborative solution.